One key to organizational success is actively engaged employees who embrace the organization’s mission. The BaiDos Team will support you in employee hiring, development and retention. This will be achieved by a combination of document preparation and techniques for developing human potential dependent upon your current need.
Employee Relations & Mentoring
We will coach supervisors to create a positive, consistent working relationship with employees. A positive work environment will help maintain employee morale and support the workplace philosophy.
Job Analysis & Job Description
Do you need a job description for a newly created position? Or is it time to update current descriptions? The BaiDos Team will interview employees and supervisors to determine their range of responsibilities and research comparative job functions. We will collaborate with you until the description accurately reflects the essential functions of the position, professional standards and best practices.
Performance Evaluation
A well written performance evaluation plan provides employees with useful feedback. Let the BaiDos Team cross-walk the job description, performance objectives and evaluation plan for content consistency and recommend revisions as needed. Do you dread conducting a performance review meeting? We will coach you on your delivery so that the meeting is mutually beneficial for you and the employee.